We’re asking 997 CYK’s listeners to become a Partner in Hope and help the doctors and researchers stop cancer at St. Jude. St. Jude won’t stop fighting until no child dies from cancer. Get the new This Shirt Saves Lives shirt is by becoming a Partner in Hope now!
CALL- 1-800-942-7359

Become a monthly donor by pledging just $19 a month to help kids at St. Jude fight cancer. Put your gift on a credit card and you’ll get the new This Shirt Saves Lives t-shirt and a St. Jude sweatshirt !
CALL- 1-800-942-7359 or CLICK HERE

Rooterman , Arbor Life Professional Tree Care Roger Baber, Local McDonald’s Restaurants owned and operated by APB Restaurants

Tote Board Sponsor: The Habitat Store
Phone Bank Sponsor: Our Lady of Peace
ABS’s of Cancer Sponsor: The Shops at Stonefield
Angel of the Day Sponsor:
Thursday – Serena Solutions Healthcare
Friday- Lifelink Games
Hospitality Sponsor: Thursday & Friday – Ambassador Limousine