My Favorite Redneck Christmas Songs


My Favorite Redneck Christmas Songs

#RedneckXmasSongs was trending yesterday and I couldn’t help but talk about it this morning.  Here are a few of my favorite song titles:



Rockin’ Around the Dollar Tree

Do You Hear What I Done Heard?

Truck Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire

I saw mommy kissing uncle Josh

Grandma Got Ran Over By a Ford F-250 Super Duty with chrome towing package…coming home from our trailer, Christmas eve?



Here is the complete list.  Enjoy! (These aren’t actual songs, just titles)


  1. ?It’s beginning to look a lot like incest?

  2. U better watch out I think she’s a guy I’m not quite sure But somethin ain’t right… Hilary Clinton’s Coming to town

    I’m dreaming of a white trash Christmas

  3. All I want for Christmas is my four front teeth

  4. How do you take Christmas songs and make them ? Just add a Redneck guitar ? ?

  5. (•_•) <) )╯ We / \ \(•_•) ( (> Won / \ (•_•) <) )> Bitchez / \

  6. O Little Town of Meth-lehem

  7. Fiiiiiive Chiiiiiicken Wiiiiings. Merica. .

  8. All I want for Christmas is for idiot liberals to stay the hell out of my life.

  9. I Saw Mommy Kissing Uncle Daddy Claus

    I Saw Mommy Cooking Meth With Santa Clause

    Rudolph the Red Nose…. *BANG* – Hey Ma, I bagged me a deer with a funny looking nose! Yeeeeehaw!!

  10. Grandma brought rum over for the reindeer

    Silent bar fight Holy bar fight All f-bombs All is alt-right

  11. It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Syphillis

  12. Mary’s Boy Cousin Nephew Child

